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Beyond the Mat: Writing more in 2018

Rebecca Anne

For quite a while now, I have been wanting to write more - to discover more about and

Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

nurture my voice via the written word. On our New Year's Day brunch, when my friends and I talked about intentions for 2018 for ourselves, I described wanting to write more. I didn't give parameters as to exact what this meant or where the writing would be done. (True confessions though, building out my blogging was certainly on my mind).

I didn't want to set out with this intention with expectations of any kind. I do that so much already, especially in the professional spheres I travel in, where outcomes are king. I simply want to be more expressive, and perhaps writing also can be among the tools my yoga and (developing) meditation practice have given me to explore & discover. I also recently read an article in the Kripalu Center's blog about journaling and writing as a pathway or practice for personal wellness. The message seems to be following me - which must be none other than the Universe sending a message. Time for me to take heed.

Photo by Michał Grosicki on Unsplash

It is poignant, and, of course should not be a surprise, that one of my first pen-to-paper moments has been to help describe a new initiative growing out of the Providence All That Matters studio, where I teach and have a beautiful community of like-minded folks. Community Matters is a Seva program manifesting out of the hearts of three ATM teachers, and they share their vision for Yoga (emphasis on the Y) beyond yoga asana and personal and self-care. I'm inspired by their vision, and the non-attachment to outcome. Community Matters is and will be organic, growing only from the Love the community is able to share.

If you feel so inclined, read a bit more about the initiative, and the Gala Launch party on January 20th in support of the first non-profit partner, Women's Refugee Care. Join in any way you may be inspired at any time.

No one, not even for an instant,

Can exist without acting….

Without concern for the results,

Perform the necessary action;

Surrender all attachments,

Accomplish life’s highest good.

Journal with pencil - Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

Journal with heart - Photo by Michał Grosicki on Unsplash

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